STEPS in overlaying

1. Replace all the "YOURUSERID" found in the code with your own USERID.

2. If there are images to upload (background, photos, etc.), you upload them at any image host at this point (examples of image hosts: imageshack, photobucket). Get the direct link and paste them on the appropriate place.

3. Enter the data you want to put inExample: Favorite Music: MUSICMUSICMUSICEdit it to become: Favorite Music: Rock and Roll!!

4. EDIT, EDIT, EDIT! No one can do the editing except you!!

5. Get yourself a chatbox at if you want to incorporate a chatbox in your profile.

6. If you want an mp3 player, make sure you have your mp3 URL's first and go here:

7. Go to the OVERLAY GENERATOR at and generate the code.8. Paste the generated code to your media box



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